Online Shopping Tips, Ideas, and Specials


The Mel’s World Shopping Biz blog is now OPEN for for your viewing pleasure!

About eight weeks ago I started out on a brand new adventure and in a short time I have been able to supplement my family’s monthly income, work from home, enjoy building a business team that I truly love to work with and also been able to benefit my family by saving us tons of money. (You gotta love that part!)

The Mel’s World Shopping Biz blog is for each and every one of us that shops online and are always looking out for a great deal. I might have some posts about FREE shipping, special internet sales, gifts with purchase, the benefits of working from home, tips, sales, and other ideas on how to maximize the internet shopping world for you and your family.

There are only 104 days left until Christmas
(can you believe that?) and I am pretty sure if you are reading blogs then you are already shopping online…right? So, why not pop over to Mel’s World Shopping Biz every day to see what I am finding through all the stores on my Shop to Earn business.

Oh, and if you are interested in getting anywhere from 1-30% cash back on everything you buy please feel free to contact me directly at MelWorldShopping.

Happy Shopping…head on over there now, I found some GREAT deals this week…check it out and let me know what your favorite deal is.

Shop til you drop,


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